5 Ways Roller Derby can help those with Mental Illness

Roller Derby is a mixed bag community. Players come from all walks of life. It is a veritable melting pot of backgrounds. You have people who are married, divorced, pansexual, bi-sexual, homosexual, professionals, stay-at-home parents, the former cheerleaders, the former misfits, every nationality under the sun, etc.  I think it is why it's so easy … Continue reading 5 Ways Roller Derby can help those with Mental Illness

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Ten Things of Thankful is having a link-up photo contest.

If only…You Understood

If only you understood, That I am not broken. If only you understood, I am not making this up. If only understood, These tears are real. If you only understood, How I really wanted to be If you only understood, No one wants this pain. If you only understood, Why I lie awake at night … Continue reading If only…You Understood