
In the wake of recent events, it seems to me that much of the general public has a misconception of what depression actually looks like. Most people see depression as this: They picture in their head a person overcome by sadness. They have this forlorn look,even crying. Maybe a little unkempt, unshowered and still in … Continue reading #whatdepressionlookslike

A moment of silence

It is 10:49pm. I should be in bed. Yet, the soft tumble of the dryer mixed with the gentle chip of crickets begs me to enjoy the moment of calm. Chaos is every day life with two small boys. My day is filled with the sound of sirens alerting the small town in my child's … Continue reading A moment of silence

Mom blogs can suck it.

I remember a time when the words would just flow from my fingertips like an everlasting river. Now, they just trickle here and there like a dried up stream. I miss it. I miss it all. I need to remove this beaver dam of a writer's block. I think the truth is I grew tired … Continue reading Mom blogs can suck it.