Beyond Honored

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This blog started out as a journal for me. It was a way for me to get through my day. In the last eight months, it has evolved into something bigger. Going back, it is like watching a baby learning how to walk. There was a lot of stumbling before I managed to catch my balance. Honestly, I am still trying to get there. I have discovered that a blogging voice doesn’t just happens. It evolves. It grows into that resonating sound your followers come back for. And even at the risk of losing some you have to continue with that growth.

I think the biggest surprise of this short journey is the change in myself.  I just want to take a minute to applaud every single blogger out there. It takes a special kind of bravery to put your thoughts and feeling out into the internet. I knew the more that I shared, the more of a risk I was taking. Mental Illness is still a closeted subject.  But you can’t move forward if you aren’t willing to let go of what is behind you. I decided to let go and let people into my world. I took a risk and it indeed paid off.

I have been nominated by someone for the WEGO Health Activist Award under the category of Rookie of the Year. I can’t even describe how incredibly humbled and honored I am. For someone to take notice is something beyond all of my imagination. I am still in such shock. I am stumbling on how to put my feelings into words that truly describe how I feel. To be honest, when I first found out I cried. I thought it wasn’t real. Like some kind of a trick my mind was playing on me. I am friends with many bloggers. Bloggers who are established and really going places. I often feel like the little tag along sister amongst them. I never felt as I was in the same realm or caliber as them. Between this nomination and the conference, I feel like I am definitely headed in the right direction.

What is a WEGO Health Activist?

WEGO Health Activist Awards celebrate leaders in online health communities. Health activists are influencers, organizers, connectors, leaders and contributors who are passionate about helping others lead healthier lives.

WEGO Health is a different kind of social media company – our mission is to empower the top 10% of online health social media contributors to connect with each other and with health care companies. We call these passionate people Health Activists – they’re community leaders, bloggers, on Facebook, on Twitter, leading online forums, and usually “all of the above.

What does Rookie of the Year mean?

The Rookie of the Year Award is for the Health Activist who has just recently (this year) began blogging, sharing, posting, or tweeting, but who, in your opinion, is already the epitome of an advocate.

So now the hard part. I am asking you to please take the time and vote for me. All you have to do is click on the purple box that says “Endorse Lauren Kocher”. You just need your name and email address. That is all. In return you will receive my eternal gratitude. Please click on the picture below and help me make it to the finals!



3 thoughts on “Beyond Honored

  1. You so deserve this award, Lauren, and many more! Here’s the testimonial I wrote that appears on your profile page (anyone can write a testimonial – it’s easy – just click “Add your nomination” & follow the steps) and it says it all,

    “Lauren is an incredible mental health advocate and writer. She has come so far in such a short amount of time thanks to her passion, dedication and commitment to help others through her experience as a mom with bipolar. She already has made a positive difference in the lives of others who have bipolar disorder, & I’m inspired by her vision!”


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